Accounting Services We Offer

We provide a wide range of audit services for both for-profit and not-for-profit entities, including audits conducted in accordance with Government Auditing Standards, Single audits performed in accordance with OMB Circular A-133 and audits of employee benefit plans.
Tax Preparation
We prepare Federal and any state tax return for businesses, individuals, estates and trusts, employee benefit plans and not-for-profit organizations. We also prepare tax registration forms and virtually every type of form that can be filed with the IRS.
Financial Statement Preparation/Review
The firm is qualified to prepare all types of financial statements including audits, reviews, compilations, forecasts and projections and personal financial statements. At your request, we will prepare statements as often as monthly, to make sure that your management team has its finger on the pulse of the business.
Tax Planning
The best time to save money on your taxes is four to sixteen months before they are due, and this requires expert planning. We provide one-on-one pro-active tax counsel to meet your unique personal and business needs. The typical client benefits the most from expert tax advice in: year-end strategic planning to help minimize your tax liability; effective and timely structuring of your personal and business transactions; executive compensation planning; money-saving self-employment and payroll strategies; successful retirement and estate planning.
Budget/Cash Flow Projection
We will assist you in the preparation of your annual budget/cash flow projection. We assist you in monitoring your performance and help you identify areas within your business that may need to change as a result of this monitoring.
Unlimited Quick Books Support
Tired of waiting on hold for someone at Intuit to answer your QuickBooks questions? We have team members who specialize in QuickBooks consulting. We will provide unlimited telephone, and, if necessary on-site QuickBooks consulting.
We also offer, as a separate service, QuickBooks set-up. If you are new to QuickBooks we recommend that you have our firm set-up your company on QuickBooks. This will ensure that things are set-up properly right from the start, to provide you with the valuable information you need to run your business.
Businesses Getting Results
BGR is a new kind of business club, where members (all of them business people just like yourself) meet once every 4 to 6 weeks for just 2 hours to work on a different business building issue or strategy. We review and discuss the ideas outlined in handout materials and look at how to implement the strategies within your business.
Client Advisory Board
Provides you with first-hand, unfiltered customer information which will help you shape your business to meet customer needs and wants – and eliminate those elements that frustrate them.
Annual What-if Analysis
Provides you with the ability to see how small changes in your business can have a large effect on profitability and allows you focus on those areas that will provide the greatest improvement.
Business Performance Review
Compare five years of financial data in clear, easy to read graphs. A ratio analysis highlights potential areas of concern in an easy to follow format.
Monthly, bi-monthly or quarterly meeting at your place of business or ours to keep you focused and discuss progress on goals, review KPI’s and results. We help you plan upcoming business development steps. Most importantly, we make sure you don’t “Fail To Implement” (FTI) on your business strategy.
Planning Session
Focuses you on building a business that works. We begin with the “end” in mind and develop a detailed action plan to accomplish your business and personal goals.
Goal Setting Session
A session to focus on the steps you need to take to grow your business. This session is designed for relatively new businesses.
Unlimited Telephone Consultations
Unlimited telephone consultations to discuss ongoing business issues. Complex business issues will require a meeting. With this service you never have to worry about whether the clock is running when you call.
KPI Monitoring
Identify and monitor Key Performance Indicators. These indicators will allow you to quickly identify and focus on areas in the business that need improvement and allow you to react rapidly to changing market conditions.
Payroll Tax Return Preparation
We will prepare all your quarterly payroll tax returns as well as your year end returns such as W-2’s and 1099’s.
Sales Tax Return Preparation
Whether monthly or quarterly, we have experts in the sales tax areas that are here to assist you with all your needs.
Business Valuations
Why Is A Business Valuation Necessary? The value of your business can be a significant asset. Business valuations are performed because ownership interests in privately held companies often represent a significant portion of one`s estate and/or portfolio. The value, or worth, of an interest in a privately held company, as opposed to stock in a public company, is usually unknown because there is no active market to sell or trade that interest from which to ascertain or approximate value. Value determinations are most commonly needed to calculate estate tax upon death, split up family assets in a divorce, and negotiate value in a purchase, sale or merger of a business enterprise.
Purchase or Sale of a Business
Including start-up, expansion, and sale of a business. Many important decisions and financial commitments are involved in starting a new business or selling an old one. The tax effects can be dramatic without careful consideration and thoughtful planning. If certain tax forms are not properly filed on time, there can be severe consequences.
Accounting Services
Our Firm offers a complete range of accounting services, including receivables, payables, and payroll management. We prepare financial statements in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) for use by banks, investors, and other third parties. Our firm will also prepare custom financial reports for internal, managerial use.
Estate Planning
Our firm offers estate planning services so you can minimize both federal and state estate tax liabilities. We will endeavor to protect your heirs from the unneeded emotional devastation that can be caused by estate tax levies.
Estate, Gift and Trust Tax Return Preparation
Our firm provides expert preparation of federal and state estate, gift, and trust tax returns.
Retirement Planning
It is never too early to start planning for retirement. If you want to live the same lifestyle–or an even better one–than you do now, you need to start planning for retirement…NOW. We can analyze your projected income and expenses and suggest investment funding techniques to help you make sure that your golden years 10, 20, and even 50 years from now live up to your expectations.